Sperm DNA Fragmentation by Flow Cytometry
Male infertility is the commonest cause of infertility. It contributes to nearly 50% of the 15% of couples of reproductive age. (1) Unexplained infertility is a very unsatisfactory diagnosis for couple suffering from
infertility. Some studies found that 80% of couples diagnosed with idiopathic infertility have sperm DNA damage (>20% damage). This suggests that sperm DNA damage is the cause of infertility in a substantial number of men (2).
Offering this cases IVF or in some cases (IUI) without DNA testing can lead to treatments with very low chances of success.
Further compelling reasons for testing sperm DNA come from its strong associations with miscarriage (3)
Sperm fragmentation test may guide couples with low damage to intrauterine
insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) and guide those couples with high DNAdamage to ICSI(1)
Sperm fragmentation test will help Couples to avoid the loss of valuable biological time, the cost of failed cycles and the headache ofrepeatedly unsuccessful cycles ofIVF treatment.
Unexplained infertility couples will get a diagnosis and thus directs to the best treatment
for them. Clinics will have improved IVF success rates, a scientific rationale for using
associationwith live birth rates afterIVF.ReprodBiomedOnline 2013;26:68–78.
3. Robinson L, GallosID,Conner SJ,RajkhowaM,MillerD, Lewis S,Kirkman-Brown J,Coomarasamy A.Theeffect of
spermDNAfragmentationonmiscarriagerates:asystematic reviewandmeta-analysis.HumReprod2012;27(10):2908–17